Wolf Signs Bill to Support PA Businesses, Help Renters Stay in Their Homes

Governor Tom Wolf signed into law Senate Bill 109.

Senate Bill 109 allocates $145 million that Gov. Wolf made available to help support businesses suffering because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Business owners and employees have worked hard to protect their customers and their communities during this pandemic,” Gov Wolf said. “But the pandemic has been hard on businesses, and they need and deserve our support.

“That’s why I made this funding available back in December, and I applaud the General Assembly for sending this bill to my desk. We need to get this money into the hands of the Pennsylvania business owners who need it as fast as possible.”

The Wolf Administration authorized a transfer of $145 million in funds from the Workers’ Compensation Security Fund at the Pennsylvania Insurance Department to the General Fund so that the money could be appropriated by the state legislature to aid businesses adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Senate Bill 109 also appropriates desperately needed funding for rental and utility assistance to Pennsylvania residents to keep them in their homes. Every day that these federal relief dollars remain idle does a disservice to Pennsylvania residents and landlords impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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