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Do you desire to travel where few people have gone in an effort to put that location on the map, or travel to places that are already prime tourist destinations and enjoy sights that travelers have raved about for decades?
If you are someone who prefers to prioritize local, more quaint destinations over popular tourists points, then you might want to consider this information when crafting your next trip itinerary! While there are a handful of really cool tourists attractions scattered across Pennsylvania, there is one place that's a little off the radar that adds unique adventure to any trip.
This specific location was recently named the "best hidden gem destination" in the entire state!
According to Cheapism the best hidden gem destination in all of Pennsylvania is Ohiopyle State Park.
Here's what Cheapism had to say about the best hidden gem destination in the entire state:
"When Michael Scott goes "deep into the Pennsylvania wilderness" for a moment of self-reflection in an episode of "The Office," this is the kind of place he probably had in mind. While on the complete opposite end of the state from Scranton, this state park in the Laurel Highlands about 90 minutes south of Pittsburgh offers whitewater boating and endless miles of hiking. "
For a continued list of the best hidden gem destinations across the country visit