Bobby Bones Show Competes in Blind Karaoke: Public Domain Edition

The Bobby Bones Show brought back the popular segment Blind Karaoke.

They stopped doing the segment due to it not being able to be played on the show's podcast because of copyright issues. However, Bones came up with the idea of making artists perform public domain songs whenever they stop by the studio so it can be used for podcasting as well as the live show. Scuba Steve suggested doing the same thing with Blind Karaoke.

The wheel chose which song each person had to sing and it got really interesting. Amy sang "Yankee Doodle," and Eddie sang "Old MacDonald Had A Farm" first. Then Abby sang "She'll Be Coming Round The Mountain," and Lunchbox sang "This Little Light of Mine."

Which a score of 12 from the judges, Abby ended up winning this round. Amy came in last place.

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