Ed Sheeran is causing a bit of a stir with his neighbors these days. They are claiming that a pond he built near his house could be used as a swimming pool.
He wanted to get permission from the local city council for this pond and he promised it would be used as a wildlife pond to support nature conservation.
The application Ed submitted said that the pond housed well-established water plants and other wildlife.
The council had no problem as long as the pond was not used for swimming. However, neighbors are convinced that Ed is planning on using it as a swimming pool over the summer.
A jetty boat and a set of steps were added to the pond and he says they were needed to help clean the pond. Welllll the neighbors don't believe him and now are pissed. Oh and a few of them have already complained about the loud music coming from his house.
C'mon! It's Ed Sheeran and he's the coolest dude in the world. Let him have a pond!